Thursday, October 9, 2014

Horrible Truth

They Say Beauty is only skin deep

but what if its used as a weapon and you land in shit creek

the mind you thought counted , the heart that used to beat

its all behind you it never amounted , your life is like ur asleep

you wanna express how you feel , oh so fuckin bad

but love seems far from real , just ask my fuckin dad

the reasons you hide yourself and look for riches and fame

the reason men call women bitches and expect the phone to ring

i'm talkin about your inner beauty the one that you neglect

You Should Be Who your are truly never sacrifincin that

Look at those including urself who feel it and really want to connect

be true to yourself if not to others , keep your heart and deidcation

wrok to be discovered , the things worthing having are worth altercation

fight for what you believe even if you cant stand for it

the people around you are plastic and you wanna try to ignore it

they suck you in with there wicked schemes

never realizing being successful with who you are is the biggest dream
- Joe Petree 

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